Wednesday, December 4, 2013

12-4-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

New Seattle School Board Leadership Elected
Sharon Peaslee has been elected President of the Seattle School Board by a vote of 4-3.  Sherry Carr was also nominated. Betty Patu was elected unanimously to be Vice-President. Marty McLaren was elected unanimously to be Member-at-Large. Superintendent Banda conducted the elections.I'll have a longer wrap-up of the Board meeting but a few notes.Blanford recused himself from two votes that involve

How Those Walls are Tottering
And I'm speaking of ed reform walls that are looking like mud caves in Seattle. - ALEC (the shadow group American Legislative Exchange Council) is losing its pow.  Who would have thought that a group so powerful - both in money and in legislative power - could be falling so fast.  But according to The Guardian story:The Guardian has learned that the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec), wh

Structural Racism 101 for Youth
The organization, School's Out Washington, is sponsoring a workshop for youth (middle school to young adults), Structural Racism 101 for Youth. It's Saturday, December 7th from 10 am to 2:30 pm.  It's free and breakfast and lunch are provided.  801 23rd Avenue S.It's "an opportunity to talk about race and your experience, to learn what youth can do about racism, and to provide input about how

We Have a New Seattle School Board
I attended the Oath of Office ceremony this afternoon for our two new and one returning Board members.  It had all the usual trappings; family, supporters and a fair number of staff.  There were speeches (mercifully brief) but, from talking to others, there is one person who stood out to many of us.I think I'll write this thread as straight as I can and you can be the judge of what stands out.  (I
12-3-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open ThreadFor once, I am actually looking forward to going down to the JSCEE.  Not that I hate it but it's usually for some lengthy meeting.  Nope, today I get to see the installation of some new Board members.  It is very nice to see some family member standing proudly next to the new Board member.  It's a warm, fuzzy feeling and a brief shining moment, t