Friday, December 27, 2013

12-27-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Paul Krugmam on the imbalanced boss-worker power relationship applied to NYC principals and teachers
The massive power imbalance between principal and teacher in NYC is not due to a weak economy but to a weak union. Let me expound on this point....employment generally involves a power relationship: you have a boss, who tells you what to do, and if you refuse, you may be fired... We don’t know how much of this profit surge can be explained by the fear factor — the ability to squeeze workers who kn

Not a Wonderful Life: Education Writer’s Block
The Wave - Published Friday, Dec. 27, 2013 -
12-26-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Farina Delay: Charter lobby, ed deformers and UFT and allies working behind the scenes?Who might be opposing a Farina appointment? I know some people are left scratching their heads at what seems on the surface an unholy alliance. Can we talk?We know that de Blasio has been getting pressure from the Obama administration to appoint a pro-test person. As Naison says, given that she