Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12-24-13 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

Merry X-Mas!
To all who celebrate, a very Merry Christmas! Thanks for the support, the readership, and the comments.Duke Ellington's version of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite, played by the US Army Blues - what more could you want for the holidays? Enjoy!

I Can't Escape From Ledger Logic!
Oh, Tom Moran and the Star-Ledger Editorial Board! I just can't quit you! [emphasis mine]Last year, the Freehold Regional High School District moved 17 special education students from an out-of-district workplace training program into a brand-new, in-house program.Keeping the students in Freehold saved the district boatloads of money — but it was also the best choice for their education, right? Pr
12-23-13 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: Are Charter School Wait Lists Really That Big?Yesterday, I joined in with Bob Braun and shredded yet another ignorant and racially tone-deaf editorial from the Star-Ledger about Newark's schools. I'm really getting sick and tired of knocking down the S-L's ignorance; however, I want to address a point of policy I had skipped that the editorial makes:Charter schools will play a key