Monday, December 23, 2013

12-23-13 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Making Teachers Better by Using Someone Else's Bogus Scores for Evaluation
Beyond the idiocy of using unreliable, invalid, and unfair test score gains to evaluate teachers, there is the insanity of claiming the evaluations are about improving teachers by using scores that are someone else's.  Is there any other profession that allows such treatment of its members?  Where is Randi and her bullhorn, where is doddering Dennis?From the NYTimes:. . . .Proponents of the reform
12-22-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: The Memphis Hopson HustleUnless the public stops the corrupt capitulation by Memphis politicians to the Gates agenda for privatizing American schools, the children of Memphis will soon become the educational property of corporate charter schools that receive public money to subject the poorest children to their cultural and behavioral neutering programs.  Here is a telling chunk of