Saturday, December 21, 2013

12-21-13 Ed Notes Online Week

Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online

Videos of PS 321 Event: Teachers Talk Testing
Help Us Lower the Stakes Around Testing for Teachers and Families in NYCI attended this amazing event at PS 321 which I reported on (Teachers Talk Testing Forum at PS 321)I didn't have to film as a professional film maker, Michael Elliot, has been working with various groups opposing high stakes testing. He has put up a batch of videos cut into short very watchable segments. They include teachers
Portelos Update: A Para for the Defense, Part 2
The story below is a warning to anyone who might think that taxpayer supported DOE Legal has any interest in the truth.Part 1 is here: Portelos Update: A Para for the Defense, DOE Pulls Race Card, Theresa Europe Sits in to Intimidate Hearing OfficerPORTELOS HEARING DEC. 18, 2013CROSS EXAMINATION by DOE Legal Jordana Shenkman – JS: U heard rumors of Apr 2011 meeting P brought up safety concerns – u
Portelos Update: A Para for the Defense, DOE Pulls Race Card, Theresa Europe Sits in to Intimidate Hearing Officer
There was only fear of the administration. YES everyone is in fear of them, not Portelos. .. former Para, IS 49SI.According to Shenkman, a para - with a high school education - and a parent with 5 kids of her own - is not qualified to make a judgement as to whether someone is a good teacher. What arrogance and elitism. ... Report from Portelos hearing, Dec. 18I finally was able to attend the 14th
Klein Klone Kami Gets Pushback Over Attack on Public Education in Newark
Cami Anderson, the new Michelle Rhee, is trying to pull off massive destruction of Newark public school system. Is Anderson real or just a marionette whose strings are being pulled by ed deformers behind a curtain?From NEW Caucus:ESS CONFERENCE AND RALLY AT WEEQUAHIC HIGH SCHOOL! -  Fight School Closings/Renews/Charters-  11am, Weequahic High School, 279 Chancellor Ave., Newark, 07112.We know most
Teacher Protest Over Naming College Office for Walcott
It's hugely disappointing that administration has unilaterally decided to pay tribute to a man who has worked tirelessly to make our jobs less professional, who has vilified us at every turn, who has refused to offer us the compensation he saw fit to give other city employees, and who has supported every baseless corporate reform that has come down the pike while he occupied this office.....Arthur

DEC 19

Howard Schwach on John King Visit to Long Island and Parents' Objection to inBloom
Good to see my old editor at The Wave still battling the forces of evil.By Howard Schwach12/17/13,51762A survey of more than 600 school board members across New York state found that 75 percent overwhelmingly oppose the education department’s plan to provide student data to a third-party vendor, according to the New York

DEC 18

More on de Blasio Chicago-based Consulting
A follow-up to our piece yesterday: DeBlasio Shadow Transition Includes Advice from Rahm EmanuelRBE at Perdido: De Blasio Uses Ed Deformer-Tied Consulting Group For Transition Team That story that Dana Rubenstein broke at Capital NY about Mayor-Elect Bill de Blasio using a Bloomberg-funded consultant group suggested by Rahm Emanuel to run his transition team in secret just gets worse and worse:Re

DEC 17

DeBlasio Shadow Transition Includes Advice from Rahm Emanuel
I never drank the BDB Kool-Aid and fear that the people of New York, in their determination to kick Bloomberg's ass right out of town, bought themselves a blanker slate than Barack Obama, which I thought physically and politically impossible. .... Comment on MORE listserve on Capital NY article on under the covers DeB consultantsThe same consulting group that helped Rahm Emanuel screw the teachers

DEC 16

Back to the Bataan Death March
Well, it's time to get back to the fray. I take a week off and head to Delray Florida for some serious tanning and eating and fraternizing and shit happened while I was gone. Well, I hope you've all been reading the fabulous bloggers on my blog roll to keep up. I am way behind. (I find it real hard to do much blogging while at the beach.) And it was only decent beach weather for the first few days
Ed Notes Reprint, Nov. 2007: Welch, Tweed, Farina, and Creative Destruction
Thanks to Tim-Parent's comment at Gotham for digging up this ednotes piece from November 14, 2007, with discussion over a 2003 Carmen Farina quote in Businessweek that seemed to support the Jack Welch philosophy. But in 2007 Farina clarifies what she said with this:Farina's comment posted on the listserve Sunday, Nov. 11, 2007:"Complacency is not the same as complicity in how to evaluate scho

DEC 15

John Elfrank-Dana Teaches a Lesson About the Life and Death of His School
John does a great job here. I'm looking forward to a Part 2 where he tells us exactly what the UFT did over this time. I'm cross-posting here but if you want to leave a comment go directly to the link at Labors Lessons. Bergtraum High School - A Case Study for the Mayor Elect Foreword: What started off as a
Change the Stakes end of year meeting - Tuesday 12/17, 5:30
Join what promises to be a lively discussion about the issues and how we – as parents, teachers and students – can respond individually and collectively.....Change the Stakes Press Conference re: City Council Resolution on High-Stakes Testing - On December 9th, Change the Stakes participated in a press conference held on the steps of City Hall in support of Resolution 1394, which calls for high-st