Friday, December 13, 2013

12-13-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Friday Open Thread
Anyone who has given thought to Common Core standards and has a opinion you might want to pass along/talk about, please shoot me an e-mail at   I'll forward your e-mail on.  Please send it to me by noon if possible.Haven't checked other news sources but I suspect the charter law decision is generating a lot of discussion.Both Board Director community meetings (Carr and Mar

Washington State Charter Law; Kinda, Sorta Overturned
Someone, quick, get me a lawyer!Naturally, I go out of town and this ruling comes down and I am scrambling to get info and understand it. Here is the basic understanding of Judge Rietschel's ruling per Diane Ravitch:“In a ruling issued today (pdf), King County Superior Court Judge Jean Rietschel has tossed out the heart of Washington State’s charter schools law on the grounds that it violates the

12-11-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Clarity around the title "interim"Seattle Public Schools bureaucrats love to play word games. Their favorite word game is to re-define words. They do it for a variety of reasons. They have re-defined "task force" and "advisory committee" to evade control by Board policy. They have re-defined "program" and "service"