Sunday, December 1, 2013

12-1-13 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

Sunday Music: Pierce Turner
Heard Pierce Turner last night at Joe's Pub in the city. If Joyce played guitar...It was a really good show: quirky, fun, epic in a small way (we Irish are good at that sort of thing (and by "we Irish," I mean "we" as in "we Americans who pretend we're Irish")). Pop music's a funny thing: I really don't know why some stuff hits and some doesn't. But no matter what, yo

REALLY Dumb Things White People Say About Schools: Lawrence Harmon
Your "duh" moment of the day, ladies and gentleman:BOSTON’S TEACHERS are succeeding swimmingly in their chosen profession, with 93 percent landing in the exemplary and proficient categories on a new teacher-evaluation system. Yet about two-thirds of the city’s schools rank in the bottom 20 percent statewide based on student test data. What’s going on here?“There’s a disconnect between ou

Why Won't Charter Cheerleaders Acknowledge The Facts?
I've got to give my old buddy Tom Moran, chief of the op-ed page at the Star-Ledger credit: he managed to write a column on education today where he didn't blame the teachers unions for everything. Must have been hard to repress those urges...Cami Anderson, the superintendent of Newark schools, has taken enormous heat for nurturing the growth of charter schools, which now educate roughly 1 in 4 ki
11-30 -13 Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All Week
Jersey Jazzman:Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All Week mark as readEXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: @GovChristie to Teacher: "I Am Tired Of You People!"UPDATE: I posted this about 12 hours ago on a late Saturday night, and already it has over 30K hits. I've never seen blog traffic like this, especially on a weekend. Is it not obvious that there has been an enormous amount of frustration and anger building u