Monday, November 11, 2013

With A Brooklyn Accent: Why BATS is Militantly Pro-Union as Well As Against Common Core

With A Brooklyn Accent: Why BATS is Militantly Pro-Union as Well As Against Common Core:

Why BATS is Militantly Pro-Union as Well As Against Common Core

Unions are the best protection for the living standards of workers and the best defenders of workers rights at the workplace. The powerful interests who have worked to undermine unions and drive union membership from 35 percent of the work force when i was growing up to less than 13 percent today have helped transform the US from the most equal nation in the industrialized world to the most unequal. Teachers unions are a bulwark against the massive destruction of the nation's shrinking middle class as well as a force defending public education and public schools. They also protect teachers against 

With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs All Week 11-9-13
With A Brooklyn Accent: Powerful Speech to Her Local Rotary Club by a North Carolina Teacher...Cristi Lackey Julsrud Hi BATs! As my school's teacher of the year, I was invited to speak at our local Rotary Club for their monthly luncheon. The people there were representatives from the business community. I was supposed to talk about my school, and myself , and my teaching, and how everything is all