Friday, November 8, 2013

UPDATE: With A Brooklyn Accent: While Diane Ravitch Recovers, the BATS will Carry on Her Work

With A Brooklyn Accent: While Diane Ravitch Recovers, the BATS will Carry on Her Work:

While Diane Ravitch Recovers, the BATS will Carry on Her Work

As we all hope and pray for Diane Ravitch's full recovery, let us take a moment to contemplate what with her full and enthusiastic support, this group has accomplished. In five short months, we have built an organization that has as much, or more public presence, as any Astro-Turf school reform organization funded by billionaires, and a lot more grassroots support. And the best is yet to come. Our July 28 Teachers March on Washington will send a powerful message to elected officials around the country that using teachers as punching bags and selling off our public schools to the highest bidder carries a steep political price. 

So lets take a deep breath, make sure we take care of ourselves- because none of us are Superwoman or Superman-and get back to work.

Diane. We love you! BATS will carry on your legacy, and bring life to your ideas. Count on it!!!
Powerful Speech to Her Local Rotary Club by a North Carolina Teacher
...Cristi Lackey Julsrud Hi BATs! As my school's teacher of the year, I was invited to speak at our local Rotary Club for their monthly luncheon. The people there were representatives from the business community. I was supposed to talk about my school, and myself , and my teaching, and how everything is all hunky-dory, but when it came right down to it I just couldn't lead those people to believe

Tennessee BAT Tales- Installment Two
I changed schools last year to be closer to home and to work in the community in which I live. Previously, I was driving an hour each way to a job I loved, but the distance got to me. I teach middle grades math, which I have taught for 15 years. My current school is a rural, preK-12 school with relatively high free-and-reduced numbers. The teachers before me, who have been let go or reassigned, le