Sunday, November 10, 2013

We’ve Got a Communication Problem | Ideas and Thoughts

We’ve Got a Communication Problem | Ideas and Thoughts:

We’ve Got a Communication Problem

This week a story emerged out of British Columbia about a school that was banning students in Kindergarten from touching each other. Like many, I tweeted it
The usual banter online occurred where most people shook their heads in disgust about a school’s over reaction to a problem that might better handled without resorting to such extremes. After wanting to learn more about the fallout I did some searching today and found this video
After hearing the side of the school district I realized a few things:
-If it sounds absurd there’s probably more to the story. This is where I felt a little shameful for tweeting the story. While I did manage to keep my mouth shut for the most part on this one, I too assumed the district was nuts. In