Friday, November 15, 2013

Republican Tea Party & Democratic Vee Party vs Education | Reclaim Reform

Republican Tea Party & Democratic Vee Party vs Education | Reclaim Reform:

Republican Tea Party & Democratic Vee Party vs Education

About half the people in the USA saw only two words in this title.
Republican Tea Party & Democratic Vee Party vs Education
What did they see? This.
Republican Tea Party & Democratic Vee Party vs Education
(Please read more before you think I am trying to convert you to one political party or the other. This is about Education with a capital E.)
When people look you in the face and brag that they are a fifth generation Republican or a lifelong Democrat, be afraid. Be very afraid.
Why? John F. Kennedy is dead. Ronald Reagan is dead.
Corruption is alive and well, and it owns entire media outlets as well as politicians of both parties. These politicos are purchased locally and federally on a per need and often a per issue basis.
Issue? Education.
Now, let’s read the title again and use Illinois as an example.
Republican Tea Party & Democratic Vee Party vs Education
The Republican Tea Party is named after the Boston Tea Party. Tea Party members were created and funded by corporate billionaires and Fox Media Inc. Tea Party members often believe they are grassroots based and coincidentally support and oppose everything