Saturday, November 16, 2013

John Arnold’s Big Fact Check | EduShyster

John Arnold’s Big Fact Check | EduShyster:

John Arnold’s Big Fact Check

 The exquisite sensitivity of being a billionaire…
Reader: last time we checked in with the rich they were different from you and me. For one thing, the rich are exquisitely sensitive, which is why the average billionaire sleeps on sheets with a thread count higher than your annual income. But the truly rich also have billions more feelings than a slob like you, which means that their feelings are easily ruffled. Fortunately they also have armies of lawyers at the ready to intervene in the event of such misfortune. And so it is with EduShyster’s favorite young billionaire John Arnold who recently endured a feelings hurting of unendurable magnitude. Ready the Kleenex reader for this is is a tragic tale indeed…
Big fact check
Lest you’re only now tuning into the saddest show in the world, allow me to bring you up to speed. On October 10 Diane Ravitch posted an item on her blog alleging that billionaire John Arnold’s incredibly generous gift to keep Head Start open during the government shut down might have been made with an ulterior motive. Was it possible, Ravitch wondered, that Arnold was using a good-will gesture to detract from a flurry of negative publicity around his efforts to slash public employ pensions, which have been chronicled here,herehereherehere and here? Now obviously the answer to this obvious question is