Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Arne Duncan schooled in limits of power - Stephanie Simon -

Arne Duncan schooled in limits of power - Stephanie Simon -

Arne Duncan schooled in limits of power

Arne Duncan is pictured. | John Shinkle/POLITICO
There’s no clear evidence that Duncan’s prescriptions are helping. | John Shinkle/POLITICO
Arne Duncan brought the most ambitious reform agenda in years to the Department of Education — and a determination to use every lever of power to accomplish it.
The results were stunning: In barely a year, more than 100 state laws were passed to open public schools to competition and set tough new standards for students and teachers. Duncan won allies on the right and the left, becoming one of the few Cabinet members with bipartisan support.

But the agenda he began to advance in 2009 has now hit serious roadblocks, highlighting the limits of federal power over education. States are balking at reforms they pledged to implement in exchange for grants and waivers from federal law. An unprecedented $5 billion intervention in the nation’s worst schools has yielded incremental results, at best. A noisy opposition to Duncan’s reforms has emerged — and it only grew noisier this month when Duncan dissed “white suburban moms” for opposing the new Common Core academic standards because the tough tests made their kids look bad.
To top it off, there’s no clear evidence that Duncan’s prescriptions are boosting student

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Remove Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education