Friday, November 29, 2013

11-29-13 Fred Klonsky | Running for our pensions. | VOTE 4 Fred Klonsky.

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Mark Stefanik. We are the oysters.
- Johnny Dillon “Oh, Oysters, come and walk with us.” Some thoughts on the eve of the next great pension showdown in Springfield: David Ormsby’s rescue spin for the circled wagons of his Democratic Party employers – that unless pension benefits are cut, the poor, the schools, the mentally disabled, the victims of child abuse, and other helpless entities will suffer – targets teacher savings/pensi
John Dillon on the Nekritz confession.
- John Dillon Well this was an unexpected moment of honesty. On the other hand, Representative Nekritz would warn us all that the General Assembly can enact one law and change (or alter) it in the next hour. This is historically how she has looked at legislation, as she has explained to me. And, honestly, her comments are not political schizophrenia, because she sees clearly that by 2015 Illinois

Democratic Party strategist David Ormsby: Pension fight is “a grubby little fight over money for its members.”
  Democratic Party political strategist David Ormsby. David Ormsby is a hired gun. He is sometimes called a political strategist. He has done public relations and press work for Richard Daley, Michael Madigan and other Democrats. He has sent me nice notes over the years. But not today. Responding to my Black Tuesday post this morning, Ormsby commented on Facebook: Fred, lawmakers are not eager to

Black Tuesday.
On the Tuesday after yesterday’s Thanksgiving gatherings of families across the state, Illinois House members will vote on whether to take away what has been constitutionally and contractually promised to the states public servants. Among those who will lose what was promised to them will be retired teachers, half of whom make less than $50,000 a year with no Social Security, thousands with no Me

11-28-13 Fred Klonsky | Running for our pensions. | VOTE 4 Fred Klonsky.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Teacher and union activist Todd Mertz: “This is it.” With emails of every Illinois legislator.From Todd Mertz: This morning a pension deal was struck between all four legislative leaders–Madigan, Cullerton, Radogno, and Durkin. This agreement would steal an estimated $160 billion from teachers and sta