Thursday, November 21, 2013

11-21-13 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

We Can Question the Word "Grit" but Embrace Research on Nurturing the Socio-Emotional
As I explained in a Huffington Post accompanying Angela Duckworth’s TED Talk Weekend, twenty-something years ago, I entered the classroom through alternative certification. Then and now, I was committed to the progressive education tradition. I soon recognized, however, why conservatives, as well as the new generation of career-changers who were then entering the teaching profession, dismissed pro

11-20-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Update on Data Quality Campaign to Judge All Knowledge on Corporate NeedsA Jane Roberts clip from the Memphis Corporate Appeal yesterday on DQC:. . . .In 2012, Tennessee scored six, including that it was among a handful of states taking steps to ensure that teachers — and students training to be teachers — know how to read data so they can better meet student needs. “We’ve seen a l