Thursday, November 21, 2013

11-21-13 @ THE CHALK FACE


Michelle Malkin favorited this tweet of mine. Interesting. #tcot
Behold. Explain?  
So, the BATS still can’t be bothered to sign a darn petition?
Why are BATS not flying on this one? Have we finally gauged the limits of slacktivism? That is, a like on Facebook translating to almost nothing.  Not that I or we put too much stock in petitions. But it’s been an interesting few days, where I’ve seen an actual White House petition to dump Duncan […]

Higher Ed, Corporate Reform Has Arrived: Featuring Maryland’s Nancy Grasmick
Though much of corporate reform focuses on the K-12 classroom, its well-financed, invasive influence certainly does not stop with the public high school. Imposing philanthropy and its fast friend, the business of education, also aim to control America’s college and university classrooms. Higher education faculty, you are not out of the reformer’s reach. Over the last several decades, there has bee

11-20-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: The Bizzaro World of Education 2.0The policy of public school consolidation is recipe for disaster. Education “reformers, experts, policy makers” close public schools by using “under-utilization” or “under-performing” seats as an excuse to create larger school sizes. They view the outcome (test scores) as a production problem (teachers) and aim to alter the process (instruction)