Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11-13-13 Fred Klonsky | Running for our pensions. | VOTE 4 Fred Klonsky

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Checkers. Charters.
I was pleased Bill de Blasio won the election for Mayor of New York. I don’t know how it will turn out now that the difficult stuff has started. But the wing nuts at the Fordham Institute have already decided. Remember when MIchael Petrilli, the boss at Fordham, damned Diane Ravitch as a double agent?  The skeptical, hard-nosed (if biased and data-slanting) Ravitch of the first half of her book t

Squeezy couldn’t have found a better mate if had gone to Illinois’ working families need another choice.
  Squeezy’s pick of Paul Vallas as his running mate was shocking to many. Not because the policies and practices of the former head of Chicago’s public schools are that different from those of Squeezy. In fact, one good look at Squeezy’s anti-unionism over the past five years reveals that he couldn’t have found a better mate if had gone to SEIU can’t be happy with the betrayal of a
The in box. Todd Mertz’ veto session round-up, including how your state rep and senator voted on the Park District pension bill.
By Todd Mertz The good news is that no pension reform bill was pushed through the General Assembly during either veto session for state employees and teachers. However, legislators were told to keep the week of December 5th open, as they may return to Springfield to vote on pension “reform” for teachers and state employees. The bad news is that there was a pension reform bill that quickly and quie
11-12-13 Fred Klonsky | Running for our pensions. | VOTE 4 Fred Klonsky
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Yolanda relief.The videos are almost too painful to watch. I cannot imagine what is must be like to have family there and not know if they are dead or alive. If you can, make a donation to the typhoon Yolanda relief. I prefer to donate to smaller, on-the-ground organizations. But do what you can to wh