Friday, November 1, 2013

11-1-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Controversial Bridgeport billboard donated to Mayor Finch
Raising Hale is a media project of the Yankee Institute for Public Policy. Although Wait, What? and Raising Hale are miles apart on some philosophical issues, Raising Hale’s dedication to “uncovering government waste, fraud, and abuse in Connecticut” is impressive. Fellow investigative journalist and blogger, Zachary Janowski, is doing an amazing job shinning the light […]The post Controversial Br

It is another morning at Capital Prep…but Principal Steve Perry in nowhere to be seen
This morning, when the school bell rings to mark the beginning of another school day at Hartford’s Capital Preparatory Magnet School, the students are there, the teachers are there… but Principal Steve Perry won’t be there… Again! Steve Perry is off collecting a speaking fee at yet another out-of-state event. This time Steve Perry is […]The post It is another morning at Capital Prep…but Principal
10-31-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Malloy/Democrats make mockery of Connecticut’s once prominent role in campaign finance reformThanks to the changes in Connecticut’s campaign finance system that were initiated and signed into law by Governor Malloy, corporate education reformers Jonathan Sackler and Mary Corson each wrote $10,000 checks to Connecticut’s Democratic Party this year. It is hardly the first time that Sackl