Monday, October 14, 2013

Upcoming Common Core Fight in Louisiana Legislature | Truth in American Education

Upcoming Common Core Fight in Louisiana Legislature | Truth in American Education:

Upcoming Common Core Fight in Louisiana Legislature

Louisiana_State_Capitol,_Baton_RougeThere will be a fight brewing in Baton Rogue this upcoming session on the Common Core State Standards.  The Town Talk reports on the upcoming opposition they standards will face in the Louisiana Legislature:
State Rep. Cameron Henry, a Republican from Metairie, said recently he plans to file legislation to stop Common Core from being implemented.
Rep. Terry Brown, I-Colfax, Sen. Bob Kostelka, R-Monroe, and Sen. Neil Riser, R-Columbia, said they would support Henry’s legislation.
“I’m very much in favor of blocking it,” Brown said. “We live in a representative democracy. When the majority of the people are opposed to it, we should do what they want.”
“I think we need to at least delay implementation of Common Core,” Kostelka said. “The so-called standards have not been set or even agreed on. Several other states have already delayed implementation, and the governor and Superintendent (John) White, I understand, are having second thoughts and are saying it’s up to the individual school districts to design a curricula. Thus it can’t be a ‘common’ core.”

The “King” Gets Questioned, Suspends New York Common Core Forums

Apparently New York State’s Education Commissioner John B. King thinks he’s above being questioned.  After holding two Common Core public forum’s he decided he really didn’t want to hear questions from the parents after all.  You see he made the mistake of not taking questions ahead of time and screening out the hard questions.  Parents in New York State were not treated to the Delphi technique an