Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Understanding the Label English-Language Learner | HispanicallySpeakingNews.com

Understanding the Label English-Language Learner | HispanicallySpeakingNews.com:

Understanding the Label “English-Language Learner”

Understanding the Label “English-Language Learner”

If a U.S. student learning English were to drive across the country, he would find that in some states he would be classified an “English-language learner,” eligible to receive extra support.  In other states,  the same student would not qualify for the special designation—or the additional help.
In California, for example, English-language learners spend part of the day focused on learning English. The rest of the day, teachers help them learn the same material as native English speakers, with some modifications. For example, they might be divided into smaller groups with other limited English speakers, or receive a preview or review of the lesson in their native tongue.
The label matters, because under the federal Civil Rights Act, schools are required to provide English-language learners with additional services to ensure they master English as well as the material other students are learning. 
The wide variety in policies also creates headaches for students who move from state to state, or even from one school district to another, as they may suddenly find themselves lumped into a new category.
Now that nearly all the states have agreed to adopt common standards in English and math,