Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Students at Lorne Street Elementary can see books - but can't check them out | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC

Students at Lorne Street Elementary can see books - but can't check them out | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC:

Students at Lorne Street Elementary can see books - but can't check them out

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Annie Gilbertson/KPCC

Lorne St. Elementary School parents and students wrote over one thousand letters addressed to Superintendent John Deasy, requesting their library be reopened.

Despite increasing school budgets, one victim of years of budget cuts remains: shuttered school libraries.
When budgets tightened post recession, the Los Angeles Unified School District told principals they'd have to find money in their budgets for librarians or library aides - positions that used to be budged directly by the district.
Lorne St. Elementary in Northridge was among dozens that got creative using volunteers or a regular classroom aide in the library. That appears to violate the district's contract with the union, so Lorne Street had to close the library. Hallie