Monday, October 21, 2013

Stand Up for Others — Whole Child Education

Stand Up for Others — Whole Child Education:

ASCD Whole Child Bloggers

Stand Up for Others
According to current statistics, more than 30 percent of our school-age young people—approximately 5.7 million children—are bullied in schools, on playgrounds, and in recreational facilities each year. Research shows that these numbers can be reduced by nearly half through the use of effective bullying prevention programs. During the month of October, schools and organizations across the country w

OCT 18

Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man’s Best Friend
Dogs are amazing creatures! They provide unconditional love, do not discriminate, judge, laugh, or criticize, and they are excellent and attentive listeners. They encourage relaxation, lower blood pressure, and brighten affect. These characteristics help to make pet-assisted therapy a natural fit for children and adolescents, and students in North Carolina's Orange County Schools will happily agr
The Science of Early Childhood Development
"The healthy development of young children in the early years of life literally does provide a foundation for just about all of the challenging social problems that our society and other societies face," says Jack P. Shonkoff, professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. This video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University looks at the brain science behind e
Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man’s Best Friend
Dogs are amazing creatures! They provide unconditional love, do not discriminate, judge, laugh, or criticize, and they are excellent and attentive listeners. They encourage relaxation, lower blood pressure, and brighten affect. These characteristics help to make pet-assisted therapy a natural fit for children and adolescents, and students in North Carolina's Orange County Schools will happily agr
Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man’s Best Friend
Dogs are amazing creatures! They provide unconditional love, do not discriminate, judge, laugh, or criticize, and they are excellent and attentive listeners. They encourage relaxation, lower blood pressure, and brighten affect. These characteristics help to make pet-assisted therapy a natural fit for children and adolescents, and students in North Carolina's Orange County Schools will happily agr

OCT 17

Pet Pals: Teaching Resilience With Man’s Best Friend
Dogs are amazing creatures! They provide unconditional love, do not discriminate, judge, laugh, or criticize, and they are excellent and attentive listeners. They encourage relaxation, lower blood pressure, and brighten affect. These characteristics help to make pet-assisted therapy a natural fit for children and adolescents, and students in North Carolina's Orange County Schools will happily agr
Resilience: It’s a Practice
Post written by Carla Tantillo and Lara Veon, Mindful Practices Among the most heartbreaking moments as an educator is that of observing a student who doesn't believe in herself and sees a mistake—be it a social interaction gone bad or a failing grade—as a fracture of character instead of an opportunity for growth. Similarly upsetting is witnessing a student who experiences trauma and loss withd

OCT 16

Early Childhood Education Programs: Play
Thomas Armstrong, education expert, author, and Whole Child Podcast guest, just can't say enough about the importance of play. The chapter "Early Childhood Education Programs: Play" is excerpted from Armstrong's ASCD book Best Schools, which looks at not just best schools, but also best practices for teaching and learning. In this chapter, Armstrong points to early education practices th