Thursday, October 3, 2013

Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 10-3-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2




Congressman Kimble Doesn't Let Shutdown Stop Him
[Reprinted from the Oakdale Value Shopper] The recent government shut down has been a hardship for Congressmen.   The Members Dining Room has closed leaving many politicians wondering where their next meal will come from and without interns to operate things like remote controls and bottle openers, life has been anything but normal for the Congressmen they left behind. Fortunately, for the Washing

Anaheim school apologizes for making girl remove NRA T-shirt
A high school student who grabbed a National Rifle Assn. T-shirt in her hurry to find something clean to wear to school was later confronted outside class by campus officials who forced the student to remove her shirt or face suspension, the girl’s parents said.

“Trippin” Is An Innovative Site For Learning English
Trippin is an engaging and innovative site for English language-learning that combines “edgy” videos (classroom appropriate — just “hip” enough to be particularly attractive to teenage learners), quizzes, and geography. Though I obviously didn’t view all the videos and try-out all the interactives, they seem to be laid-out sequentially (and, I assume, with graduated levels of difficulty) — in oth

5 ideas for #ConnectedEducators to connect students #CE13
This piece was originally posted last year in SmartBlog on Education in Ideas that Work, Social Media in Education as part of Connected Educator Month. This event takes place again this year in October. The U.S. Department of Education’s Connected Educators initiative seeks to celebrate and encourage educators at all levels to collaborate and participate in online learning resources and communitie

Florida Puts Common Core Tweets on Hold; Kansas Ramps Up
Twitter’s Fail Whale made out of Legos.The Florida Department of Education reportedly is putting its Common Core tweets on hold.  WLRN reports:The Florida Department of Education has put it’s daily tweeting of Common Core State Standards on hold while the agency prepares for a series of public meetings on the math, English and literacy standards.The agency started sending out a standard of the day

Garcetti travels to New York City for mayoral meeting and fundraising
Mayor Eric Garcetti plans to leave Los Angeles for a quick weekend trip to New York City, where he will meet with mayors from around the country.

Key Factors in Urban Minority Male High School Success Detailed in New Study
  Dr. Shaun R. Harper led a team that studied 325 high school juniors and seniors enrolled in 40 New York City public high schools and 90 college students, who had graduated from the same high schools. In a large-scale study of Black and Latino male high school and college students from New York City, a University of Pennsylvania research team found that consistently high expectations expressed by

After barely more than a year in business, opposite-coast rivals edX and Coursera have become two of the biggest higher-education organizations in the world, with a combined 6 million registered users drawn to the online teaching they provide. And why not? The so-called MOOCs, or massive open online courses, offered by the two behemoths based at MIT and Harvard on the East Coast and Stanford on th

Valuable new report from California Budget Project.Rising to the Challenge: Why Greater Investment in K-12 Education Matters for California's StudentsA new CBP School Finance Facts compares California student demographics, education spending, and school staffing to that in the rest of the US, and finds that the state's investment in K-12 schools lags the nation even as California faces unique chal

October 03, 2013
This week, negotiators from the Santa Maria Joint Union High School District Faculty Association and the district will meet to continue bargaining the

Test takers are asked to read a Michael Bloomberg speech and write about whether the mayor’s career has been defined by successes or failures. Some teachers and parents are outraged, criticizing the wisdom of having students grade accomplishments of the very figure who calls the shots in New York City schools. BY RACHEL MONAHAN / moreThe post Seventh-grade test question on Bloomberg’s care

Diane Ravitch: Q&A on her controversial new book

Washington Post (blog) - ‎13 hours ago‎
reign The new book by education historian and activist Diane Ravitch, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools, has debuted on The New York Times bestseller list in the non-fiction hardback ...

Teacher's Union Rejects Fed Grant

Eugene Weekly - ‎18 hours ago‎
The Eugene Education Association (EEA) has rejected endorsement of School District 4J's federal “Race to the Top” grant application, citing “grave concerns over increased workload for teachers and specialists and because of inadequate time given to 

As part of Connected Educators Month, Steve Hargadon is organizing a nightly “cafe” with with education bloggers and anybody else who would like to join in! You can read more about it at Steve’s blog and see a complete schedule for the month here. Friday night (tomorrow at the time this post was published), I’ll be on with Angela Maiers from 4:30-5:30 PM Pacific Coast Time (7:30 – 8:30 PM Eastern

The difference between 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations

Many people often wonder what the difference is between a 501(c)(3) and a 501(c)(4) organization. It is easy to confuse the two classifications as both are considered nonprofits and there are many similar characteristics. However, there are crucial differences between these two types of nonprofit organizations and it is important to understand the distinction.
According to the Internal Revenue Service Code, 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations are nonprofit organizations that are exempt from paying federal income tax. 501(c)(3) organizations are either a public charity, private foundation or private operating foundation with open membership whereas 501(c)(4) organizations are civic leagues or associations operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare or local associations of employees with limited membership.
When it comes to lobbying and political activity, 501(c)(3) organizations can appeal directly to legislative bodies and representatives and may support issue-based legislation. However, they must notify the IRS of their intent to lobby by filing form5768, which formally informs the federal government that one has elected to use the expenditure test to have the organization's lobbying activity measured. Under this test, lobbying capacity is typically limited to spending less than 5 to 20% of the organizational budget on lobbying activities, depending on the size of your organization.
501(c)(4) organizations can engage in unlimited lobbying so long as it pertains to the organization's mission. 501(c)(3) organizations are not permitted to engage in political activity, endorse or oppose political candidates, or donate money or time to political campaigns, but 501(c)(4) organizations can do all of the above.
In regards to supporting these organizations, donations made to 501(c)(3) organizations are deductible to the full extent of the law as charitable contributions. Donations made to 501(c)(4) organizations are not deductible, though some businesses who make these contributions often write them off as advertising or business expenses. (Please consult your accountant.)
Which should you choose, a 501(c)(3) or a 501(c)(4)?
If you are planning on doing limited or no lobbying, then you should choose the 501(c)(3) status so donors can benefit from giving to your organization. However, if your organization will be doing a lot of lobbying or any campaigning, you should form a 501(c)(4) to inoculate yourself from any charges of violating your 501(c)(3) status.
If you want the best of both worlds, you can have two separate but affiliated organizations - one a charitable 501(c)(3) and the other a 501(c)(4) lobbying arm. Many trade organizations lobby extensively on behalf of their members, but have an affiliated 501(c)(3) foundation for charitable giving and educational purposes.
Some examples of 501(c)(3) organizations include charities and educational institutions such as The Global Fund for Children and The Stella Adler Studio of Acting. Examples of 501(c)(4) organizations include unions, fraternal organizations and trade associations.

Non Profit Organizations

How to Understand Capital Campaigns

How to Understand Capital Campaigns

Capital campaigns are short term efforts of non-profit organizations to raise money for specific causes. Causes can be a certain idea, such as stopping hunger, or physical, such as the expansion of ...

How to Start a Non Profit Organization Step-by-Step

Starting a nonprofit organization can be rewarding and challenging. It is a process that can be difficult and full of pitfalls. However, if you are passionate about the cause that drives you to ...

Responsibility of Non-Profit Organization Officers in Financial Matters

According to Internal Revenue Service rules, a (501)(c)(3) nonprofit organization is supposed to work for the public benefit, refraining from allowing individual members to benefit financially and ...

Banking Rules for Non-Profit Organizations

All businesses and corporations need to deposit their money for safekeeping, to earn interest and to increase through investment. This problem is not just faced by traditional for-profit ...

More Non Profit Organizations Picks

What Are the Requirements to Start a Non-Profit Organization?

Starting a non-profit organization can be an excellent way to raise money or help out your ...

Fundraising Ideas for Non-Profit Organizations

One of the biggest challenges facing a nonprofit organization set up to raise money for a certain ...

About Marketing in Non-Profit Organizations

A non-profit organization (also known as an NPO) is an organization that uses its funding to pursue ...

The Responsibility of the Board of Directors in a Non-Profit Organization

A nonprofit organization is a tax-exempt corporation that does not distribute profits to owners or ...

How to Grow a Business By Helping Non Profit Organizations

To build your business' growth, few options can pay off as well as partnering with local ...

How to Change the Name of a Non Profit Organization

Changing the name of a nonprofit organization isn't simply an internal decision made by the ...

What are the Benefits of Starting a Non-Profit Organization?

Founding a nonprofit organization can be an unforgettable experience for entrepreneurs who wish to ...

How to Manage a Non-Profit Organization

Managing a nonprofit organization requires a knowledge of state regulations or applicable Internal ...

How Do I Establish a Non Profit Organization?

Nonprofit organizations are distinguished by the fact that any and all profits ...

How to Run a Non-Profit Organization

Helping people in local communities is rewarding work. Nonprofit organizations, like businesses, ...

Non Profit Organization Vs. Profit Organization

Entrepreneurs looking to start a new small business have a wide range of decisions to make before ...

How to Organize a Non-Profit Business

A non-profit business generally serves a particular purpose in the community or serves the mission ...

Benefits for Non-Profit Organizations

When you run a for-profit organization, the main goal is to produce a profit for yourself as the ...

The Benefits of Belonging to Non Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations usually evoke the images and ideas of charity and philanthropy. While many ...

Responsibilities of Non-Profit Operations Managers

Operations managers play an important role on the management team at both for-profit companies and ...

The Transfer of a Title by a Non-Owner

The person who owns legal title to property, whether real estate or some item of personal property, ...

Maximum Tax Deduction for Non-Profit Organizations

In most countries, nonprofit organizations are able to completely avoid paying any taxes as long as ...

Do Non Profit Organizations Have TINs?

While nonprofit organizations may be excused from paying taxes, they are still required to file ...

Incorporation for Non-Profit Clubs

A club can operate informally or under the auspices of an umbrella organization until its members ...

The Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act

Nonprofit corporations must follow predefined requirements according to the laws of the state where ...

How to Start an International Non Profit

Nonprofits address needs across the globe, providing a better quality of life to the families and ...

What Is a 501C Non Profit?

Organizations described as 501(c)(3) are commonly referred to as charitable organizations. Such ...

Importance of Mission Vision in Organizational Strategy

A mission and vision are standard and critical elements of a company's organizational strategy. ...

How to Become a Legally Ordained Minister for Free

Ordination is typically the final step in a long and often expensive process that includes ...

Is the Salary of an Executive Director of a Non-Profit a Percentage of the Budget?

Nonprofit organizations use many formulas to set their chief executive's salary and compensation ...

Tax Advantages of a Non-Profit

Non-profit organizations include charitable organizations, church groups, certain government ...

Free Ways to Advertise for Non-Profits

When you have a message, product or event you want to promote through your nonprofit organization, ...

How Non-profits Advertise on the Web

The task of starting a nonprofit organization can be daunting, especially when it comes to letting ...

How to Create a Non-Profit Income Statement

The income statement is one of three key financial statements organizations routinely use to give ...

How to Create Financial Statements for a Non Profit Organization

Nonprofit organizations operate in the same manner as for-profit businesses when it comes to ...

How to Dissolve the Assets of a Non Profit

Dissolving a non-profit organization, particularly one with 501(c)(3) tax status (allowing ...

What Are the Differences in Financial Reports for a Non-Profit Vs. a For-Profit Entity?

Financial reports are annual documents compiled by the accounting department to share the financial ...

Good Ways to Make Money as a Non Profit Organization

Instead of turning profits, nonprofit organizations use their funds to promote a cause and advance ...

Difference Between Income & Revenue of a Non-Profit

Nonprofit organizations are unique legal entities that are created under the 501c(3) and 501c(4) ...

The Major Accounting Differences Between Profit & Non Profit Organizations

For-profit and nonprofit organizations, as their names suggest, differ in terms of their goals. ...

How to Establish a Non-Profit in Oregon

Oregon non-profit corporations must be established through registration with the Secretary of ...

The Difference Between Public & Private Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations typically fall into one of two categories: public and private. While a ...

Can You Put Affiliate Links on a Wordpress Blog?

Bloggers can make money from their blogs using affiliate marketing, but free blogging services such ...

Functions of a Non-Profit

Whether your business can operate as nonprofit organization depends on the purpose of your ...

What Domain to Use for Linkedin

LinkedIn's professional networking site enables you to contact professionals from your industry and ...

WEP Vs. WPA Vs. WPA2 With a Linksys

When using a wireless Linksys router, you will have to pick which type of Wi-Fi encryption to use. ...

The Difference Between C3 & C4 Non-Profits

U.S. nonprofit, or 501(c), organizations enjoy several advantages over for-profit businesses. In ...

How to Make a Promotional Plan for a Non-Profit Event

A nonprofit event requires a thorough promotional plan to help attract both attendees and ...

What Is the Difference Between Project Based & Non-Project Based Organizations?

As a small business owner, you either have or will soon develop an organizational model for your ...

Non-Profit Volunteer Etiquette

If your non-profit organization is like most, it cannot exist without the work performed by ...

Fundraising For-Profit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations hire professional for-profit solicitors or fundraising organizations to ...

Do Non-Profit Organizations Need to Use a W-9?

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service requires that taxpayers provide certain forms identifying who ...

Job Description for Financial Operations Manager in a Non Profit

Financial managers in non-profit organizations are responsible for the inflows and outflows of cash ...

The Effects of Depreciation on a Non-Profit

Depreciation is the phased allocation of the cost of a fixed asset over its useful life, which is ...

How to Calculate an Operating Budget for a Non-Profit Organization?

Some small businesses operate as nonprofit entities or as part of larger nonprofit organizations. ...

Differences Between Effectiveness & Efficiency in For-Profit Organizations

"Efficiency is concerned with doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right ...

How to Use a Trust as a Nonprofit

Charitable trusts were the first legal form of nonprofit organization. Only irrevocable trusts ...

Do Nonprofits Need to Issue 1099s?

When it comes to accounting and tax rules in the business world, nonprofit organizations are a ...

The Importance of Non-financial Rewards for the Organization

Non-financial rewards can have an even more substantial impact on employee satisfaction and ...

eBay Rules for a Charity Auction

While most items listed on the online marketplace eBay are up for sale solely for profit, many ...

Non-Profit Guerrilla Marketing Techniques

If your non-profit organization needs to raise money or awareness without breaking the bank, ...

Why Study International Relations?

Studying international relations can lead to a myriad of interesting careers, from working in the ...

How to Get an EIN Number for a Non-Profit Organization

All businesses need an employer identification number (EIN), whether they are operated for profit ...

Non-Profit Charity Centralization Reasons

Nonprofit organizations occasionally centralize operations at the local, regional or national ...

How to Get a Business to Give Donations to a Non Profit Organization

Nonprofit organizations with successful fundraising programs understand the value of joining forces ...

Alternatives to FeedBurner for RSS

FeedBurner is a free service that gives you expanded options for your feed. While WordPress creates ...

How to Use PayPal for Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations can use PayPal to receive online donations to support their causes. ...

How to Apply for Non-Profit Status

Applying for non-profit status under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code allows a ...

Which Is Better: A Group or Page on Facebook for Business?

Facebook has two features designed specifically with organizations in mind -- Groups and Pages. The ...

Can You Get a Bank Account Before Getting Tax Exemption for a Non-Profit Organization?

Starting a nonprofit organization is easier than you might think, and you can begin the business ...

What Are the Economic Objectives of a Non-Profit?

You might be surprised to learn that many nonprofit organizations make a profit every year. As long ...

How to Ask Dealerships for Auto Donations for Your Non-Profit Organization

Vehicles are often a necessity for non-profit organizations, but not always in the budget. If your ...

Legal Rights of Members in a Non Profit

The creators of a nonprofit organization choose a structure for governance of the organization when ...

The Differences Between a 501(c)(3) & Other Non-Profit Organizations

States grant the nonprofit status that relieves organizations from paying various state taxes. ...

The Differences Between Incorporation, Corporation & Non-Profit

The terms “corporation,” “incorporation” and “nonprofit” refer ...

How to Get Donations for a Private Non-Profit Organization

Soliciting donations is an essential part of any nonprofit’s funding strategy. Because ...

A Theme for the 20th Anniversary of a Non-Profit

Just because your organization is a nonprofit doesn't mean you can't, or shouldn't, celebrate your ...

Characteristics of Good Bylaws for a Nonprofit

The bylaws of a nonprofit provide a set of operating rules for the organization. The document ...

Information on 501(c)(3) for Nonprofits

Leaders of 501(c)(3) corporations often experience a sense of accomplishment for creating an ...

How to Write an Introductory Letter for a Non-Profit Needing Money

Nonprofit organizations often use direct-mail solicitation in fundraising efforts. An introductory ...

How to Set Long- & Short-Term Goals for a Non-Profit Organization

Non-profit organizations have an overall mission and engage in programs that support it. In the ...

How to Become a Non-Profit Corporation

Non-profit corporations are entitled to certain advantages over for-profit corporations. If your ...

How to Dissolve a Charitable Non-Profit Organization

If your charitable non-profit organization is terminating, you must file dissolution paperwork with ...

How to Address the Human Resource Challenges of a Nonprofit Organization

Nonprofit organizations are, in many ways, like any other small business when it comes to human ...

Tax Law for a Non-Profit Organization

For many organizations, deciphering how the tax code applies to their business practices can be ...

How Does a Non-Profit Fiscal Agency Work?

If you've launched a nonprofit but aren't ready to take it to full scale, consider the benefits of ...

IRS Help for a Non-Profit

The non-profit classification, known as a 501(c), comes with certain tax-exempt advantages, such as ...

Can Nonprofit Corporations Issue Stock?

Nonprofit corporations can't be owned by any individual or group, including even the founder, and ...

How to Fill Out a Nonprofit Donation Receipt

Small business owners know equipment wears out. Everything from telephones to the break room coffee ...

NGOs vs. Nonprofits

An NGO is a non-governmental organization. NGOs do not contrast directly with nonprofit ...

How to Be a Nonprofit Co-Op

Small co-operative businesses owned and operated by the workers, customers or both can be found in ...

How to Respond to a Non-Profit RFP

A non-profit organization will use a request for proposal process to solicit offers and pricing for ...

Organizational Structure for Non-Profits for a Volunteer Organization

The most effective organizational structure for a non-profit depends on the mission the non-profit ...

Non Profit Board Motion Vs. Board Resolution

A nonprofit is a corporation or organization with a charitable purpose. By organizing under IRS and ...

Does the IRS Require a Non-Profit to Have a President?

The states, not the federal government, hold authority over the licensing, organization and ...

How to Choose Where to Incorporate Your Non-Profit

Once you've decided that your small business will work best as a non-profit, you still have a lot ...

Tax Deduction for Donating Consulting Services to Non-Profit Organization

As a small business owner, you may be able to reduce the tax owed on profits by taking a charitable ...

Examples of a Social Media Policy for Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations use social media for the same reasons a small business might – to ...

How to Fill Out a W-9 for a Non-Profit Corp

If you run a non-profit corporation that's obtained tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue ...

How to Sell Items to Non-Profit Organizations

Whether non-profit organizations are your primary target market or they represent a new market for ...

Minimizing RAM Usage in Windows 7

If the processes on your computer are using most of your installed RAM, or memory, then your ...

When Do Non-Profit Agencies Have to Report Their Financial Status to the Board?

The members of a board of directors can be held personally financially responsible for the poor ...

Does a Non Profit Organization Have to Show the Members the Financial Statements?

Depending on the legal status of a nonprofit organization, it must make its annual tax filing ...

Does the IRS Require Audited Statements for Non-Profits?

The IRS has a variety of filing requirements for nonprofits to maintain a tax exemption. Filing ...

Do Non-Profits Fill Out 1099s for Consultants?

Nonprofit organizations are required to submit a Form 1099 to any unincorporated contractors or ...

Do Non-Profit Organizations Need Public Relations?

Nonprofit organizations rely on public relations and other marketing communications for a variety ...

Lobbying Limits for Non-Profit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations face fewer limits on their ability to lobby than you might think. If your ...

How Much Does it Cost to Incorporate a Non-Profit?

The total cost of incorporating your non-profit primarily depends on the state in which your ...

Benefits of Texting for Non-Profits

Faced with competition among the approximately 2.3 million nonprofits in the United States, it ...

Cost Revenue Analysis for Non-Profit Organizations

Unlike for-profit organizations, which operate with the purpose of increasing owner value, ...

How to Raise Money for a Non-Profit Social Venture

Even in the best economy, raising money for a start-up nonprofit can be challenging. But in the ...

How to Write a Good Proposal for a Non-Profit Orgnization

Nonprofits should receive funding from a variety of sources -- the greater the diversity of ...

Should Non-Profits Be Incorporated?

Non-profit organizations often face a difficult question in whether or not to become incorporated. ...

How Does Payroll Work for a Non-profit?

Myths about nonprofit organizations, salaries and payroll thrive. Many people assume that those who ...

How Much Can a Non-Profit Legally Spend on Overhead?

While there are no legal requirements for a predetermined maximum of overhead spending for ...

How to Begin a Non Profit Memorial Food Bank

It takes a lot of commitment, energy and resources to begin a nonprofit memorial food bank. Beyond ...

How to Sell Chances Without Being a Non-Profit Organization

One of the fastest ways to raise money for a good cause is to sell chances to win a prize, a ...