Friday, October 11, 2013

Oregon's least diverse elementary schools all are charters: Chalk It Up |

Oregon's least diverse elementary schools all are charters: Chalk It Up |

Oregon's least diverse elementary schools all are charters: Chalk It Up

The six least diverse Oregon elementary schools all are charter schools, according to a new Oregon Department of Education analysis. That is, they have the fewest low-income students, students who speak English as a second language and students who are black, Latino, Pacific Islander or Native American.
To help level the playing field on school ratings this year, The Oregon Department of Education looked at schools' demographics to figure out which schools had similar student bodies. It made public those rankings on Thursday, and I noticed the cluster of charter schools at one end of the elementary list today.
Four of those six schools registered top-tier performance on this year's school report cards.
Charter schools are public schools that are open to all. Many offer a distinctive style of