Friday, October 18, 2013

New Community-Based Approach to Accountability Featured on PBS-TV EdTalk | Cloaking Inequity

New Community-Based Approach to Accountability Featured on PBS-TV EdTalk | Cloaking Inequity:

New Community-Based Approach to Accountability Featured on PBS-TV EdTalk

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How can we banish No Child Left Behind’s top-down and narrow paradigm? Local control has been a bedrock principle of public schooling in America since its inception. NCLB sent us in the opposite direction of this traditional notion. A return to a traditional locally-based educational policy can be again realized via a multiple measures approach to accountability that is democratically decided on the community level.  On Sunday October 20 at 1:30 CST, a 12 minute EdTalk will air live on KLRU PBS-TV Austin. I will provide an introduction to a new approach to NCLB, testing, and accountability that we have dubbed Community-Based Accountability. This EdTalk is part of a new show on PBS called Blackademics Television.
Call your local PBS station and ask them to syndicate the Blackademics on PBS-TV in your area. To see the 12-minute Blackademics Television EdTalk on Community-Based Accountability now and for free— click on the video link below. The Community-Based Accountability talk begins at about 13:58.
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Here are the Community-Based Accountability Executive Summary and Key Features. Please forward and circulate widely. These are living documents and will be