Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Louisiana Educator: Setting Up Public Schools for Failure

Louisiana Educator: Setting Up Public Schools for Failure:

Setting Up Public Schools for Failure

Were you encouraged by this year's significant improvement in school performance scores? Very few Louisiana public schools are rated “F” and many schools have moved up to “B” or “A”. The new SPS system combined with a huge push by local school administrators and teachers to improve student performance seems to have finally paid off. Educators should enjoy it while they can. They certainly have worked very hard and deserve the better ratings.
Unfortunately that will all change very soon with the implementation of the PARCC testing for the Common Core. Our state superintendent knows very well that Louisiana has been set up for failure. Soon we will experience a huge unfair blow to the image of our public schools and to the teaching profession in Louisiana. How will this happen? Please read on. . . .

The proponents of school privatization and the standardized testing craze have perfected the art of telling politically correct lies about our public education system as a way of promoting their schemes. These changes in public education, particularly in Louisiana are expected to produce enormous profits for the