Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hundreds of letters decry problems at underfunded city schools

Hundreds of letters decry problems at underfunded city schools:

Hundreds of letters decry problems at underfunded city schools
A homeless Philadelphia third grader does not have access to a full-time counselor, even though federal law requires it. A first grader's attends school in an annex that had an assistant principal last year but now has no administrator.
At Delsea, N.J. teacher of year changing lives
FRANKLINVILLE Kathleen Assini, New Jersey's new teacher of the year, is an educator all the way. Since coming to Delsea Regional Middle School in Gloucester County as a social studies teacher in 2004, she has applied her passion for learning to students of every level, special education to honors. A leader in mental health and anti-bullying initiatives, a role model to other teachers and students,
Coatesville schools 'punishing' whistle-blowers, lawyer says
Coatesville school administrators are "punishing" the two whistle-blowers who exposed racist and sexist text messages from two school officials by limiting their access and handing their job duties to others, their lawyer claimed Thursday.
Free museum access for Philadelphia students
Philadelphia high school students are eligible for a year's free admission to 12 of the city's most prominent and popular art and cultural institutions, thanks to a new program to be launched Friday afternoon at a special ceremony at the African American Museum in Philadelphia.