Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bill Ayers doesn’t regret destroying government property to protest the Vietnam war | The Raw Story

Bill Ayers doesn’t regret destroying government property to protest the Vietnam war | The Raw Story:

Bill Ayers doesn’t regret destroying government property to protest the Vietnam war

By Eric W. Dolan
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 9:32 EDT
Bill Ayers (Screenshot)

 University of Illinois at Chicago professor Bill Ayers said Monday that he didn’t regret bombing public buildings during the 1960s and 1970s.
Ayers co-founded the revolutionary communist group known as the Weather Underground, which claimed responsibility for bombing police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon. He told MSNBC that he didn’t regret his violent protest against the Vietnam war.
“What I don’t regret and what people intensely want me to say that I’m sorry about is destroying property, destroying war material,” Ayers explained. “And the reason is because the war in Vietnam was a horrendous crime against humanity. Six thousand people a week were being murdered. And in that context, in my family, I’m a middle child of five, one of my brothers joins the Democratic party and tries to build a peace wing. One ran away to Canada. One deserted the 

The PUBLIC ENEMY Rainbow National Tour rolls on! | Bill Ayers

The PUBLIC ENEMY Rainbow National Tour rolls on! | Bill Ayers:


Please come out if you can and join me and Bernardine Dohrn in a conversation about Movement Building: Where do we go from here, chaos or community??

Wednesday, October 16th
7:00 pm – People’s Book Cooperative
804 E. Center Street
Milwaukee, WI

Thursday, October 17th
5:30pm – 6:30pm: Pre-event Reception
7:00pm – Wisconsin Book Festival
Capitol Theater
Overture Center for the Arts
201 State Street
Madison, WI

Friday, October 18th
7:30pm – Women and Children First
5233 N Clark Street
Chicago, IL