Monday, October 7, 2013

10-7-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Film - Teachers Unite: "Growing Fairness"
Growing Fairness was produced “because we were receiving an exponentially increasing number of requests from organizations and educators, locally and around the country, for training” in restorative justice, says Sally Lee, executive director of Teachers Unite in New York City. At one middle school featured in Growing Fairness, suspensions fell by almost 90 percent; at a high school in New York Ci

MORE Weekly Update #70: Are you coming out for Win Back Wednesday?
You should be getting the idea of why you should drag your ass over the 52 Broadway this Weds (Oct 9) for the 4PM "Win Back Wednesday" rally. Certainly if you read my earlier piece on what is going on in Newark where the pressure of an insurgent social justice oriented caucus has led to the Unity style leader, who only won re-election by 9 votes, to take a position against RTTT. And you
Newark TU Rejects RTTT as Randi/Del Grosso Contract Burns and Relationship With Cami Anderson Frays
Mr. Christie and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten hailed the contract as a model for cooperation that teachers union locals across the country should emulate.... WSJ Why MORE in NYC? Newark Union Pres under pressure from an insurgent NEW Caucus rejects Race to the Top. Lisa Fleisher has a great piece today in the WSJ:The rhetoric was starkly different from what was on dis
The Daily News Deserves a Good Whopping for Witchhunts 101
The city will spend a whopping $29 million in 2013 on the salaries and benefits of outcast educators who are deemed too dangerous or incompetent to work in public school classrooms but cannot be immediately fired, the Daily News has learned... Chapman and Monahan get quotes from both a DOE spokesman and a union official to press their respective sides of the issue, but the language in the article
10-6-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Corporate Ed Reform ConferenceRockaway’s Tale of Two Cities Under Bloomberg: Health Care vs. Bike LanesNorm in The Wave - School Scope, published Oct. 4, 2013I wrote this Tuesday morning, Oct. 1 right before I went out to vote for Tish James. I had submitted the column to the writers group I belong to for comment later that evening and while they thought this was some of my better