Friday, October 4, 2013

10-4-13 @ THE CHALK FACE


The Broad Foundation and Broadies: Kings of “Distruptive” and “Unreasonable” Trickle-Down Reform
A study in evil from Julian Vasquez Heilig   The Broad Foundation and Broadies: Kings of “Distruptive” and “Unreasonable” Trickle-Down Reform.    
The Problem With Charter Schools
Reblogged from Moi Naturale: In the fall of 2008, I decided I wanted to transition from journalism to education.  While I was in a master's program studying broadcast journalism at the University of Southern California, I started volunteering at a local community center called the Jackie Robinson Community Center.  Through this experience, I realized I […]

10-3-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: More on LAUSD: Bond Money, Aquino, Broad, and (Again with) PearsonYesterday, I wrote a post on some of the conflicts of interest and obvious profiteering posed by the involvement of Deasy, Apple, Pearson, and Gates in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) iPad fiasco. In this post, I examine more of the situation as I reflect upon issues raised by the June 2013 Los Ange