Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10-22-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

Regents Chancellor Tisch Lectures Her Critics
Merryl Tisch told the citizens of this state that they had better tone the rhetoric against SED, the Regents and the Common Core down or she is going to turn this car right around:“We're in the middle of a large reform effort,” Tisch told Capital Tuesday, responding to the criticisms. “People are feeling really unsettled. My admonition to everyone is: 'Let's tone it down, and let's focus on the wo

NY State Teacher Evaluation System Results Reflect Political Decisions, Not "Objective" Reality
The message from the SED and Regents today as they released the results of teacher evaluations from around the state was "Relax...this is not a 'gotcha system'...most teachers were rated effective and highly effective..."And indeed, the top numbers released seem to reflect that - 92% of teachers around the state were given effective or highly effective ratings, only 1% were rated "i

Parents Upset At Start Time For Commissioner King's First Common Core Forum
From FOX23 News:ALBANY, N.Y. – On Thursday a forum will be held in Albany to address concerns about the states implementation of new common core standards in schools, but many parents are upset that the event is set to begin at 4 p.m.  The meeting will take place at Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School, which can hold 600 people inside its auditorium along with an overflow room.But the number o

Compare And Contrast the DN Treatment of John King To Newsday's Treatment
The Daily News ran with a pro-King editorial entitled "Lomg Live The King!" yesterday.The title tells you everything you need to know about what tack they took in the King/Common Core meeting controversy.Leaving aside that it took them 11 days to come out and defend him (though we will note that they waited for the announcement of new parent forums before they finally took a public stanc

Changing The Parent Forums To Almost All Q&A Doesn't Matter If You Have NO Intention To Change The Policies
Newsday reports the NYSED and Regents are aware they have a big p.r. problem over their radical education reform agenda and they're looking for ways to "relieve" it:Top state education officials, stung by rising public anger over testing, declared Monday that they will seek ways to relieve some pressures on students and will reach out to parents and teachers who have mobilized against th
Daily News Only Likes Teachers Were They're Trying To Stop People With Guns
Did you ever notice how the coverage of teachers and the teaching profession in the New York Daily News is overwhelmingly negative - unless the story is about a teacher trying to stop somebody with a gun?Take this story of a tragedy in Nevada from yesterday:A teacher died heroically in Nevada on Monday, using his body as a human shield to protect students after a middle-schooler opened fire with a
10-21-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Siena Poll: Public Does Not Approve Of Cuomo's Handling Of Public EducationLatest Siena poll released this morning finds 29% of New Yorkers think Andrew Cuomo is doing an excellent or good job handling public education issues while 66% think he is doing a fair or poor job handing those issues.You can see the crosstabs from that poll here.Regionally the break down goes like t