Sunday, October 20, 2013

10-20-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Wendy Lecker – “Common Core using children as guinea pigs”
Jeb Bush, Michelle Rhee, Barak Obama, Arne Duncan and the entire Corporate Education Reform Industry is busy selling the American people on the notion that without the full and complete adoption of the Common Core Standards, Common Core Curriculum and Common Core Testing Scheme, America’s best days are behind us. Jeb Bush Defends Common Core […]The post Wendy Lecker – “Common Core using children a

The Blogger EduShyster’s Article: “Steve Perry Talks to White People”
If you’ve read  yesterday’s post, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” (aka the Steve Perry story) and reviewed the other Wait, What? blog posts on Hartford, Connecticut’s Capital Prep Principal, Steve Perry, you have a pretty good sense of how this self-righteous, holier than thou, bully handles himself. But perhaps the best portrayal […]The post The Blogger EduShyster’s Article: “St
10-19-13 Wait What?
Wait What?:Wait,What? Needs Your HelpWait,What? Needs Your Help To Donate please go to: Dear Friends, Wait, What? needs your help. The generous financial support of readers, along with limited advertising revenue, is the only financial support that Wait, What? receives. Previous donations came in from across the state and throughout the na