Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10-2-13 Ed Notes Online

Ed Notes Online:

Video- Inspiring Brooklyn New School Principal Anna Allanbrook: BNS Principal's weekly letter 10.1.13
How come so many progressive principals like Anna Allanbrook and Carol Burris have become heroes to so many teachers while we look at our union leadership with disdain? I was inspired last night when I taped the panel at Anna Allanbrook's remarkable statement with Shael Polokow-Suransky, not only one of the chief Tweedies but second in command to Walcott standing a few feet away.Many were asking w
Borowitz: Panicstricken Tea Party Supporters Flee U.S.
October 1, 2013Millions Flee ObamacarePosted by Andy Borowitz at the New Yorker UNITED STATES (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of Tea Party loyalists fled the United States in the early morning hours today, seeking wha
Vote James for Public Advocate Today
All out for James. I don't have much time so check my blogroll for all the other bloggers supporting her. I also don't have time to republish the video I made of her at a PEP -- check the archives.Here is James Eterno at the ICE blog:VOTE FOR LETITIA JAMES IN TUESDAY'S RUNOFF (My View Only)  Get out the Vote for Tish James on Tuesday in the Democratic Runoff! Letitia James fought the mayor's repre
9-30-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: TODAY: Portelos Hearing, Protest Eva Invasion of Seth Low, High Stakes Test Forum at PS 51KOy! On a beautiful day that I would love to be spending in my backyard contemplating my little garden construction project that has become my obsession (contemplate, not do actual work on it -- but look for a photo soon to show where I am at with it) I am about to leave for the Portelos hear