Saturday, October 19, 2013

10-19-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”
In 1900, L. Frank Baum (1856–1919) introduced the world to Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs.  Known henceforth as the Wizard of Oz.   The wizard’s name coming from the initials of his first two forenames. As the book reaches it crescendo, Dorothy’s little dog Toto pulls back the curtain to reveal that […]The post “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

Wait,What? Needs Your Help
Wait,What? Needs Your Help To Donate please go to: Dear Friends, Wait, What? needs your help. The generous financial support of readers, along with limited advertising revenue, is the only financial support that Wait, What? receives. Previous donations came in from across the state and throughout the nation.  The contributions, ranging fro


State Democratic Party (quietly) dumps $20k into losing Bridgeport slate
Connecticut residents who attended the Democrat Party’s recent Jefferson, Jackson, Bailey dinner will be shocked to learn that according to a new campaign finance reported filed by the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, the State Democratic Party siphoned off $20,000 in donations to the state party to cover the outstanding costs associated with Mayor Bill Finch […]The post State Democratic Part
Capital Prep’s Steve Perry: Ignorant, a bully or both?
Another school day at Capital Preparatory Magnet School and Principal Steve Perry has returned to his tweeter account to spew his derogatory insults and hate speech. As an example, over the past three weeks, Steve Perry has used his twitter account to attack Diane Ravitch, the country’s leading public education advocate, at least 49 times.  […]The post Capital Prep’s Steve Perry: Ignorant, a bully

OCT 17

Corporate Welfare alive and well as Malloy gives $11.5 million to profitable insurance holding company
With the help of $11.5 million in taxpayer funds, Governor Malloy proudly announced that he was able to convince The Navigators Group, Inc., an extremely profitable “international specialty insurance holding company with insurance company operations, underwriting management companies and operations at Lloyd’s of London” to move from Rye, New York to Stamford Connecticut. According to […]The post C

OCT 16

No Joke: Year 2 Alliance District “kickoff” tomorrow despite Pryor’s failure to get money to Alliance Districts
Although Connecticut’s school districts are over 100 days into the fiscal year and more than six weeks into the school year, a number of Connecticut’s Alliance Districts still haven’t heard whether their “grant applications” have been approved by Commissioner Stefan Pryor’s and his hapless Turnaround Office. Other Alliance Districts have heard funding is coming but […]The post No Joke: Year 2 Alli
The power (abuse) of incumbency is alive and well in the State of Connecticut.
Maybe they just can’t help themselves… The television advertisement came on during the Cooking Channel’s popular Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives show.  One moment it was Guy Fieri talking about a fish taco and the next it was Governor Malloy telling people about a forum for distressed homeowners to be held Oct. 22 at the Connecticut […]The post The power (abuse) of incumbency is alive and well in the
Another school day at Capital Prep – And Steve Perry is taking care of his business…
The principal of Capital Prep Magnet School is at it again – taking care of his private business – paid for by the taxpayers of Hartford and Connecticut. Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Time:  11:06 A.M. “Joining us now is renowned educator Dr. Steve Perry, here to discuss his new book, Push Has Come to […]The post Another school day at Capital Prep – And Steve Perry is taking care of his business

OCT 15

Capital Prep: 33 days into 2nd marking period – Principal Perry MIA
Thy myth and the reality surrounding Steve Perry, “America’s most trusted educator,” continues to come to light. With its extended year and day academic schedule, Hartford’s Capital Prep Magnet School recently completed the 33rd day of its second marking period. But regardless of what Steve Perry may have submitted on his time card, the $150,000 […]The post Capital Prep: 33 days into 2nd marking p
Capital Prep Principal and No-Excuse Champion Steve Perry: Too big to follow rules?
Every Hartford principal knows that rules when it comes to being at work in the weeks leading up to the Connecticut Mastery Testing… “FURTHER, NO VACATIONS OR PROFESSIONAL LEAVE WILL BE APPROVED FOR PRINCIPALS DURING THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 22 THROUGH MARCH 22, 2011” -Hartford Public Schools; The Office of Talent Management 2011-2012

OCT 14

A hatemonger continues to lose control…While allegations of abusive disciplinary policies surface.
It’s another day and the Steven Perry, the principal of Capital Preparatory school in Hartford Connecticut has returned to his obsessive use of Twitter to promote his mongering. As administrators, teachers, parents and community members across the nation have become increasingly aware of the short and long term effects of bullying, Steven Perry has become […]The post A hatemonger continues to lose

OCT 12

Another day in the life of Malloy’s Corporate Welfare Program
Thanks to Governor Malloy’s corporate welfare program, Connecticut’s taxpayers provided a Connecticut company with a $100,000 loan and another $26,320 grant to pay for their move from Bloomfield to Hartford. Malloy said the grant would help Connecticut’s jobless problem by retaining 11 jobs. In a press release as the time, Governor Malloy explained, “Hybrid Insurance […]The post Another day in the

OCT 11

Steve Perry: “No Excuses” – Except for himself…
In response to yesterday’s Wait, What? post about his latest twitter diatribe and the fact that his claims about Capital Prep’s success don’t match up the actual facts, Dr. Steve Perry, the self-proclaimed “Most Trusted Educator” in America, returned to tweeter to complain that, “One [critic] spent his morning counting my tweets not realizing I […]The post Steve Perry: “No Excuses” – Except for hi