Thursday, October 17, 2013

10-17-13 Perdido Street School

Perdido Street School:

NYSUT, Alliance For Quality Education Announce Their Own Common Core Forums
From Capital Confidential:The powerful New York State United Teachers union and the Alliance for Quality Education — which is partially funded by NYSUT — plan to host a series of forums for parents and educators “to fill the void caused by the cancellations of PTA-sponsored forums” by state Education Commissioner John King. The union’s membership is not a big fan of the way the state has implement

Time To Reform The NYSED And Board Of Regents
A commenter at Huffington Post responds to the calls for NYSED Commissioner John King to resign:No, he shouldn't resign. He and the regents should be called to provide testimony to specify how they were each appointed, who directs their agenda regarding education policies, and we should reform THAT process:eliminate them and institute a state-wide consortium of educators and administrators to set

Isabella's Story
Diane Ravitch posted a letter from a mother on Long Island describing the damage the Common Core has done to her daughter.It is a riveting letter and I want to re-post it in full:This is the message I recently sent to the Board of Regents and my state representatives:I have been very vocal about my concerns regarding the implementation of the Common Core Standards, testing, and curriculum in NYS.
Lhota And De Blasio Agree - NYC Schools Should Be Closed On Muslim Holidays
From the Daily News: No matter who is elected mayor next month, city kids will likely find two new vacation days on the school calendar: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, the holiest days of the Muslim year. Both Democrat Bill de Blasio and Republican Joe Lhota say schools should close on the two holidays, just as they do for major Jewish and Christian days. It's a matter of "respect" for a r

NYSED Commissioner John King Channels Christine Quinn
New York State Senator Lee M. Zeldin had a meeting with NYSED Commissioner John King yesterday.Zeldin said in a press release that the meeting "went well," in that neither he nor King threw anything at each other and they both got to make their respective points about Common Core and the SED reform agenda.Given how last week's meetings with the public turned into what Capital Confidentia

10-16-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: State Senator Jack Martin: John King Must Reschedule Parent Hearings Or Immediately ResignAnother politician jumps in on the side of parents against NYSED Commissioner John King:Common Core But No Common Sense Make no bones about it. I have been consumed with nonstop questions and concerns regarding the state education department’s rollout of the Common Core curriculum. I’m