Thursday, October 17, 2013

10-17-13 @ THE CHALK FACE


Ignoring the New Majority: Education Reform behind Blinders
Ignoring the New Majority: Education Reform behind Blinders. via Ignoring the New Majority: Education Reform behind Blinders.

First In-School Reform? Teacher Autonomy
The reform agenda has focused almost entirely on in-school only so-called reforms. That paradigm is essentially flawed since the greatest barriers to in-school learning by students and effective teaching by teachers are out-of-school poverty and inequity. However, once we address social reform, in-school reform must begin with teacher autonomy; consider this about Finland: Teachers in […]

Neil Gaiman Should Be U.S. Secretary of Education: “Things can be different”
Neil Gaiman Should Be U.S. Secretary of Education: \”Things can be different\”. via Neil Gaiman Should Be U.S. Secretary of Education: “Things can be different”.

10-16-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: More Common Core in the Real WorldI have already explored how the real-world consequences of Common Core are guaranteed to do far more harm than good; we have decades of how standards and testing fail even their most nuanced advocates’ claims. Sarah Carr (excellent journalist and author of Hope Against Hope) offers an often disturbing window into the good intensions of […]5 by pl