Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10-16-13 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

Syracuse: The Failure Of Test-Based Teacher Evaluation
No wonder NY Education Commissioner John King is hiding in an undisclosed location:   Syracuse -- Virtually all the teachers at Henninger High School received fewer points than they should have on performance evaluations handed out Friday, several teachers told The Post-Standard. The issue drove some teachers from an "effective" rating to "developing," and others from "d

10-13-13 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: One More Time: Why Isn't Diane Ravitch On My TV?Pick up the dead tree version of the NY Times today, and you'll see that Diane Ravitch's new book, Reign of Error, has been on the bestseller list for two weeks. And it will be there next week as well. Michelle Rhee's Radical never made the NY Times bestseller list - a feat Ravitch has now accomplished three times. And yet Michelle Rh