Monday, October 14, 2013

10-14-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Intermediate Capacity Plan
Here's the link.  Have not read through thoroughly but seems quite complicated.  I am not sure of all the implications.I wrote to the Board that this was not up in a timely fashion per their own policy (which states agenda items will be available three working days before the meeting).  That is not the case here.

Advanced Learning Taskforce
This is an e-mail I sent to Al Interim Director, Steven Martin.  I cc'd the Board, Shauna Heath and Michael Tolley.Dear Mr. Martin,As a former member of the Advanced Learning Taskforce - who served for a year and was asked to stay on for the next year (which never materialized and with no explanation) - you can imagine my surprise to learn there are TWO AL Taskforces already in place.  I am very d

Seattle Schools Growth Boundaries Survey
From SPS Communications: Seattle Public Schools is updating attendance area boundaries to accommodate enrollment growth and new construction. An initial draft of boundary changes was provided in September, offering families, staff and the community time to weigh in and give feedback.After hosting five community meetings and receiving thousands of emails and suggestions, new recommended boundary ch

Seattle School Board Campaigns - What Does a "Positive" Campaign Look Like?
Ballots are to drop on Wednesday the 16th and I have two questions:1) Is politics like love and war - all is fair in order to win?  As we are discovering about privacy, everyone has a different tolerance for what they believe is right/allowable.  2) Is a candidate defined by their supporters?  Because this seems to be a sore point with the Peters/Dale Estey campaigns.Is it envy on the part of Pete

10-13-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Growth Boundaries QuestionsI note some running threads through the various regions and their threads on growth boundaries. For example, there seems to be confusion over how JAMS will open. Could you write one single burning question (per commenter) that you are either confused about OR seems in direct contradiction to the comments made by parents/community.  I will