Thursday, October 10, 2013

10-10-13 Wait What?

Wait What?:

Playing politics with his religion and religion with his politics – The Kenneth Moales Jr. story
In a recent Connecticut Post article entitled, “Kenneth Moales Jr., a man of wide influence,” the newspaper presented a fairly detailed profile of the man who serves as Mayor Bill Finch’s campaign treasurer, Chairman of the Bridgeport Board of Education and Paul Vallas’ biggest cheerleader. The story paints the portrait of a man who has […]The post Playing politics with his religion and religion w

Capital Prep’s Steve Perry: A Connecticut taxpayer funded voice for the education reform industry
Wednesday morning, October 9, 2013: The school day began and Hartford Board of Education employee Steve Perry is busy using his personal twitter account to attack his opponents.  His target on this day, Diane Ravitch, the nation’s leading public education advocate. Perry is the principal of Capital Preparatory Magnet School in Hartford, Connecticut. His six […]The post Capital Prep’s Steve Perry:

10-9-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: The State Department of Education’s NetStat to the rescue!When in doubt, purchase a new data management system, give it a name that has nothing to do with education, hire more consultants and then hold as many meetings and “training sessions” as possible. All paid for, or course, by the generous taxpayers of Connecticut (while school districts across the state go without adequate fundi