Sunday, September 8, 2013

UPDATE: Twas the Night before Philly Schools Start - Philly in Focus

Twas the Night before Philly Schools Start - Philly in Focus:

Parents question safe routes to Philly schools
by Holly Otterbein for NewsWorks Safely steering kids to and from school is never an easy task. In Philadelphia, there's an extra challenge this year. As the School District faces an unprecedented financial crisis, about 9,000 of the city's 134,000 students will be heading to a new school because their former one was closed or consolidated in June. That means kids will be traversing through unfami

Twas the Night before Philly Schools Start



By Christopher “Flood the Drummer®” Norris

9.8.13: Philadelphia – (Education/Politics): ‘Twas the night before Philly Schools start and all through the city, tax-payers share the feeling of worry, confusion and pity.
The lies of the politicians were crafted with care; to make tax-payer believe long-term solutions will soon be here.
Unsuspecting students rest snuggled in their beds, while visions of music and arts classes danced in their heads.
With overcrowded classroom and no new books in sight, skeleton crews are already bracing themselves for the daily fist fights.
With not enough staff to tend to the matter, the only art on the walls will be a result of blood splatter.
Do you think this a game? Do you think this is funny? The only potential politicians see in our kids is the ability to make the jailhouse money.
Wise up my city and wake from your slumber, our politicians are getting richer and our kids are getting dumber.
With less than 1% of Black kids graduating from the School District with interest in STEM, the future our children under