Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thar’s Choice in Them Thar Hills | EduShyster

Thar’s Choice in Them Thar Hills | EduShyster:

Thar’s Choice in Them Thar Hills

 Will DougCo voters choose the right choice?
It’s election season in America’s choiciest locale, Douglas County, Colorado, USA. And that can only mean one thing: DougCo residents will soon be making a choice about choice. But will they make the rightchoice? And is there someone, or better yet, many someones who can descend upon DougCo in order to help them choose wisely? Reader: saddle up the ponies and prepare the choice wagons—we’re headed west.

Cheddar for choice

In just a matter of weeks, voters will choose their choice for DougCo School Board. The contest has set off a veritable *choice rush* among the nation’s pre-eminent school choice advocates, few of whom actually live in DougCo. First the Brothers Koch, among the nation’s choosiest choosers, got in on the action, kicking in $50K to support their chosen candidate. They were joined by the Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation, which sent $25K worth of