Wednesday, September 18, 2013

NYC Public School Parents: Reign of Error: why you must read this book and share it with family and friends!

NYC Public School Parents: Reign of Error: why you must read this book and share it with family and friends!:

Reign of Error: why you must read this book and share it with family and friends!

First a disclaimer:  Diane Ravitch sits on the board of my organization,Class Size Matters, and I serve on the board of her new national organization, Network for Public Education.  Even more importantly, she is my friend and colleague, and her encouragement, support and example have kept me focused and working hard in difficult times. 
That said, I want you to know that her new book, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools, is a must-read; brilliant, concise and eloquent in dissecting and countering the corporate reform myths.  These myths include that our schools and students are failing, and that the way forward should be based upon continuing and expanding the damaging status quo policies of privatizing and closing schools, and putting even more emphasis on high-stakes testing and collecting and sharing private student data. 
Her book shows that within the historical context, student performance across the country has never been better if measured by test scores and graduation rates, and that even as the achievement gap stubbornly persists, the problem should be addressed by narrowing the opportunity gap.  This can be done by directly addressing poverty and by providing more equitable school conditions, with resources invested in reforms that have actually been proven to work, including preK, smaller classes, a well-rounded education and wrap-around services. These are the programs and conditions that the wealthy demand for their own kids.  Poor and disadvantaged children need the same things – only more so.  She also explains how schools, especially those with high-needs students, will only be further