Saturday, September 14, 2013

Introducing the Progressive’s Public School Shakedown site and writers | Crazy Crawfish's Blog

Introducing the Progressive’s Public School Shakedown site and writers | Crazy Crawfish's Blog:

Introducing the Progressive’s Public School Shakedown site and writers

Posted on September 14, 2013

The online magazine, the Progressive, has recruited some of the best pro-public education writers across the nation (and me) to produce content for their Attack on Public Schools coverage called “Public School Shakedown.”
For a list of my other esteemed colleagues who will be featured please refer to this page: and consider bookmarking this site for easy/quick reference to a variety of education content from all your favorite writers in one place.
For information about what the Progressive is hoping to achieve with this rollout please refer to this page:
For easier reference I have copied the contents below:
The Attack on Public Schools

A fundamental struggle for democracy is going on behind the scenes in statehouses around the country, as a handful of wealthy individuals and foundations pour money into efforts to privatize the public schools.
So far, the “school choice” movement has succeeded in setting the terms 
Please help Shannon Puckett produce her documentary “Defies Measurement” on the devastation wrought by the Corporate Reform Movement
I got an interesting e-mail today from Shannon Puckett, a former middle school teacher in California seeking to produce a film about the horrors and truth behind all the hype of the corporately sponsored Education Reform Movement. Shannon was a teacher for 7 years at Chipman middle school in California. I was going to explain how Shannon decided to make this film, Defies Measurement, but I don’t