Monday, September 16, 2013

Highlights from Terri’s Alabama Teacher Town Hall video – A MUST WATCH! « inspirEDucation

Highlights from Terri’s Alabama Teacher Town Hall video – A MUST WATCH! « inspirEDucation:

Highlights from Terri’s Alabama Teacher Town Hall video – A MUST WATCH!

A commentor by the name of “Jack” was kind enough to post details of Terri’s wonderful video, that captures Michelle Rhee’s Teacher Town Hall in Birmingham last Thursday in all its shameful glory. Here is the video once again and Jack’s comment:

Regarding this video from Birmingham,
here are some highlights:
Rhee mocks Hannah Nguyen at about
02:13 – 02:40 — quoting out of context
and distorting what Hannah wrote to her
in her email.
At 05:05, Terri Michal (MIKE-uhl) attempts to
voice her opinion—and others followed suit,
saying, “I did, too,” and watch how she’s
At 06:08, they rip the mic away from
her (though you can see it because
she had to hide the camera, because
cameras were not allowed… resulting
in a bad camera angle).
As the caption indicates, forum participant
Steve “unionized-teachers-are-roaches”
Perry then does not answer the Terri’s