Thursday, September 26, 2013

EdSource feature turns states’ ed data into charts in motion | EdSource Today

EdSource feature turns states’ ed data into charts in motion | EdSource Today:

How has California’s per student spending changed over the past four decades? And how has its level of spending compared with other states?
For 20 seconds of your time – as long as it takes to watch a graphic – you’ll get the answers to these and other questions, through a new feature, “States in Motion: Tracking Education Over Time,” that EdSource Today is introducing today. “States in Motion” visualizes datasets, including per capita income, teacher salaries, student to teacher ratios, growth in enrollments and scores on the National Assessment on Educational Progress to make state comparisons using one and multiple variables. It’s a more interesting and potentially useful way to view data than poring over dozens of tables.
“States in Motion” is the creation of Jeff Camp, who has made it available to EdSource for wider distribution. Camp, an occasional commentary contributor to EdSource Today and the primary