Thursday, September 5, 2013

Diversity and Openness at the Bammy Awards, From Errol Smith - The Jose Vilson | The Jose Vilson

Diversity and Openness at the Bammy Awards, From Errol Smith - The Jose Vilson | The Jose Vilson:

Diversity and Openness at the Bammy Awards, From Errol Smith

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An exchange flared by between Errol Smith, executive producer of the Bammy Awards in my post about race within the education reform movement. My point in highlighting the Bammys wasn’t to hate on it, but assure that, as someone vested in true diversity, I would spare no one, liberal or conservative, from facing racial issues with its participants or audiences. I don’t like being the critic, but I can’t not speak about it just so I can get a cool kid card with the connected educatorati. (Yes, I just made that up.) The Bammys weren’t the target; racial diversity was. I applaud Errol for the following comment, however, and publish it in its entirety with his approval.:
We each have a purpose and a role to play in education and in life.  I respect that addressing issues of inequity, real and apparent, is yours.  Your  work matters, your voice matters and I applaud the commitment, passion and courage you bring  as to speak  clearly to what you see is wrong in the
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