Saturday, September 21, 2013

Christians, Can We Drop This ‘Creationism’ Thing Already? | toteachornototeach

Christians, Can We Drop This ‘Creationism’ Thing Already? | toteachornototeach:

Christians, Can We Drop This ‘Creationism’ Thing Already? 

by David Michael McFarlane
Earlier this week, the Texas Board of Education held a public
hearing about the choice and use of textbooks in the classroom.
Boring stuff, right? Riveting for textbook publishers and educators, maybe, but for most Americans and even Texpats like me, this isn’t news.
It became news, of course, because the hearing resulted in a clash between proponents of evolution and young-earth creationists. Scientists argued to keep the same curriculum. A hodgepodge of Christians and Republicans demanded biology textbooks that taught a biblical creation perspective. And so CNN and every political blog in the country brandished photos and quotes from politicians, presenting the event as a real affront to education.
Whether or not anything comes of this, whether or not we’re just witnessing the last creationists in their death throes, I’m tired. This fight is old, older than the 1925 Scopes Trial. As a Christian and a Texan, I grew up on the front-line of the battle, and I’m ready fo