Thursday, September 12, 2013

AFT - A Union of Professionals - Labor Movement Stands with Philadelphia Community, Teachers, Workers

AFT - A Union of Professionals - Labor Movement Stands with Philadelphia Community, Teachers, Workers:

Labor Movement Stands with Philadelphia Community, Teachers, Workers

Calls on Mayor Nutter, PA Gov. Corbett to Stop Political Attacks on Public Education, Public Services
LOS ANGELES—In a major show of unity through a strongly worded resolution, the AFL-CIO today condemned the political attacks by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett and Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter on Philadelphia educators and other city public service employees, saying the attacks are intended to roll back the promise of equal opportunity, basic fairness and responsive government.
The AFL-CIO unanimously approved a resolution sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees calling on Nutter to "stand up for a better Philadelphia for all" by putting politics aside and collaborating "with teachers and city municipal workers to find fair solutions through good-faith negotiations rather than using this manufactured fiscal crisis or the courts to attack collective bargaining and dismantle vital public services."
Delegates from the AFT, AFSCME, UNITE-HERE, the Philadelphia Central Labor Council and others recommended the resolution for AFL-CIO approval.
View the resolution here.
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