Monday, September 30, 2013

A call to action - building economic growth in Sacramento and beyond Assemblymember Roger Dickinson 7th CA Assembly District

Assemblymember Roger Dickinson Representing the 7th California Assembly District:

Assemblymember Roger Dickinson

A call to action - building economic growth in Sacramento and beyond
Dear Friend,
Creating jobs and building our economy is one of my top priorities as an Assemblymember. That is why two of my key bills this legislative session are aimed at spurring economic growth in our community and beyond. Both bills have passed the Legislature and are currently awaiting action by the Governor. Please call or write Governor Brown and urge him to sign them into law:
AB 1222 - Ensuring Continued Federal Transit Funding
The US Department of Labor recently notified Sacramento Regional Transit District that it is refusing to certify millions of dollars in transit grants because they were out of compliance with the Federal Transit Act due to the state’s recent enactment of the Public Employee Pension Reform Act. If not rectified this year, this could result in the state losing billions in federal grant funding for transit projects and thousands of jobs throughout the state (more information). AB 1222 would keep $1.6 billion in federal money flowing to transit agencies around the state, including more than $100 million in Sacramento, and would allow significant transit projects to continue moving forward. Importantly, this bill will help keep workers employed and construction of the light rail extension to Cosumnes River College on track.
SB 743 – Building Economic Growth in Sacramento
SB 743 (Steinberg), a bill I coauthored, would provide significant improvements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for projects throughout California. The bill also contains additional provisions to expedite review by the courts for the downtown Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Complex which will create thousands of high-wage construction jobs and generate billions of dollars in economic activity for the Sacramento region. A new downtown arena will provide the foundation for a transformation of the core of Sacramento, enhance the quality of life for our residents, and spur our regional economy. This bill serves to ensure the timely completion of the project while respecting CEQA and advancing our environmental goals.
For more information on these or other bills, visit my website. As always, please call my office if you have any questions, community concerns, or legislative ideas at (916) 324-4676.
Thank you for taking part in the legislative process!
Assemblymember Roger Dickinson