Sunday, September 8, 2013

9-8-143 teacherken at Daily Kos

teacherken at Daily Kos:

A daughter of Auschwitz in Northern Virginia
there is an amazing story in the Washington Post, titled Hiding in N. Virginia, a daughter of Auschwitz.  It is about Brigitt Höss  (born Inge-Brigitt Höss in 1933), whose father was the Commandant of Auschwitz.  The story is written by Thomas Alexander, who writes I discovered where she lived while doing research for “Hanns and Rudolf,” a book on how Höss was captured after the war by my great-un

9-7-13 teacherken at Daily Kos
teacherken at Daily Kos: after two weeks of classes, another reflection on teachingIt does and does not feel like two weeks of classes:  Monday the first week only freshmen were in the building, and this past week we were off for Labor Day and for Rosh Hashanah.  Thus I have only been "teaching" for 7 days.  But then, our classes are except on advisory days 90 minutes long, and on advisory days ov